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KATEGORI PELAJAR 5 PAX: Diploma Showcase: Sitcom Mama Viral

AA Zone 32
  • KATEGORI PELAJAR 5 PAX: Diploma Showcase: Sitcom Mama Viral

    Two sibling are immersed in the vibrant world of online platforms, introduced the internet to their mother. Feeling intrigued, their mother quickly becomes engrossed in the world of digital, spending hours upon hours in it. However, as she becomes increasingly engrossed with online content, slowly d...

KATEGORI PELAJAR 5 PAX: Diploma Showcase: Sitcom Mama Viral

Two sibling are immersed in the vibrant world of online platforms, introduced the internet to their mother. Feeling intrigued, their mother quickly becomes engrossed in the world of digital, spending hours upon hours in it. However, as she becomes increasingly engrossed with online content, slowly d...

Two sibling are immersed in the vibrant world of online platforms, introduced the internet to their mother. Feeling intrigued, their mother quickly becomes engrossed in the world of digital, spending hours upon hours in it. However, as she becomes increasingly engrossed with online content, slowly does she neglects her family responsibilities. As the situation escalates , the family finds itself on a brink of collapse. Will they find a way to bridge the gap of their relationship before it is too later?


Dua beradik yang tenggelam di dunia dalam talian yang semakin maju, memperkenalkan kandungan dalam media sosial kepada ibu mereka. Akibat tertarik dengan kandungan dalam talian, ibu mereka semakin asyik dengan dunia digital sehingga menghabiskan masa berjam-jam menontonnya. Walau bagaimanapun, perkara ini perlahan-lahan membuatkan ibu mereka mengabaikan tanggungjawab terhadap keluarganya. Apabila keadaan semakin meruncing, keluarganya mendapati diri mereka berada di ambang kehancuran . Adakah mereka akan mencari jalan untuk merapatkan jurang hubungan mereka sebelum terlambat?


Reference letter: 100-UiTM(KPSK/HEP.37/8/1) bertarikh 06 Januari 2025

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RM 75.00